The project ”Lärandets galleria” Creating a Learning Resource Centre at Stockholm University Presentation at the conference ”Creating Knowledge” Malmö April 23-24 2001


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The project ”Lärandets galleria” Creating a Learning Resource Centre at Stockholm University Presentation at the conference ”Creating Knowledge” Malmö April 23-24 2001




The Library Building

Some facts about Stockholm University…

…. and some facts about the University Library

…. and some more facts about the Library

The Textbook Library


The project ”Lärandets galleria” - background

Vision and goal(1)

Vision and goal(2)

Three parts of the LRC

The physical LRC offers

The virtual LRC

The ”Educational Learning Lab” offers

Key Activities

Key Activities

Project organisation

The Steering Committee

The Project Group

The Work Groups

Reference groups

Budget 2001

Information och communication


Time schedule

Activities in the Spring 2001

What´s in it for students?

What´s in it for teachers?

What’s in it for the library?


Författare: Gunilla Lilie Bauer

Övrig information:
Creating Knowledge II Malmo 23-24 April 2001